

During our planning stage, we knew we wanted to look at what attributes make a student successful and build our work around those. After looking at the data our team felt that a student is most successful when they embody five key characteristics. Those are Collaboration, Divergent Thinking, Endurance, Analytical Thinking, and Empathy. From each of those, we then developed a list of skills we wanted each student to have. Scroll down to see the list of skills for each characteristic.


Students will...

Understand, negotiate, and balance diverse views and beliefs to reach workable solutions.
Elicit diverse perspectives and contributions.
Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written, and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts.
Listen effectively to decipher meaning, including knowledge, values, attitudes, and intentions.
Seek, contribute, and respond to feedback to achieve collective outcomes.
Student on Chromebook

Students will...

Take risks and know how to develop, organize, and manage new initiatives and/or ventures.
Demonstrate originality, imagination, and new ways of thinking about things.
Transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, and relationships to create new or meaningful ideas, methods, or interpretations.
Translate original and inventive thinking into viable solutions.
Student on Chromebook

Students will...

Demonstrate agility in thoughts and actions.
Respond productively to feedback, praise, setbacks, and criticism.
Reflect on successes and failures as a means to refine the path moving forward.
Take initiative and act with purpose.
Persist to overcome adversity and obstacles to uncover alternate strategies to achieve goals.
Student on Chromebook

Students will...

Identify, evaluate, and prioritize solutions to difficult or complex situations.
Understand the “bigger picture” and propose solutions that are mindful to the impact they may have on other parts of a system.
Consistently improve the quality of one’s own thinking by skillfully analyzing, assessing, and reconstructing.
Applies disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence.
Access, select, organize, curate, critically consume, and produce relevant information appropriately
Student on Chromebook

Students will...

Value and embrace diverse cultures and unique perspectives through mutual respect and open dialogue.
Demonstrate awareness, sensitivity, concern, and respect to connect with others’ feelings, opinions, experiences, and culture.
Imagine what others are thinking, feeling, or experiencing.
Vicariously experience the feelings, thoughts, and experiences of others
Recognize how personal decisions and actions have an impact beyond oneself.
Student on Chromebook